Huna (New Thought)
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Huna is a Hawaiian word adopted by Max Freedom Long (1890-1971) in 1936 to describe his theory of metaphysics which he linked to ancient Hawaiian kahuna (experts). It is part of the New Thought movement.
Principles and beliefs
Principles and beliefs
Long believed the key to Huna is the concept of the Three Selves – the low self, middle self and higher self; or unconscious, conscious and super-conscious, which he called the unihipili, the uhane and the aumakua. Other Huna teachers also refer to the Three Selves but give them the alternate names of Ku, Lono and Aumakua, or simply refer to them as high, middle and low without Hawaiian terms.
Serge King has articulated seven principles of Huna:
IKE (ee-kay) - The world is what you think it is. KALA - There are no limits.
MAKIA (mah-kee-ah) - Energy flows where attention goes.
MANAWA (man-ah-wah) - Now is the moment of power.
ALOHA - To love is to be happy with (someone or something).
MANA - All power comes from within.
PONO - Effectiveness is the measure of truth.
Dr. Rima Morrell has stated that one who truly practices Huna, has the ability to influence consciousness (2005). The consciousness is not restricted to human consciousness, but may include that of animals, rocks, everything in the world around us both seen and unseen, therefore can include gods and goddess (akua) and the spirits of the departed ('aumakua) who often appear in the form of animals. Thus some Huna proponents claim that someone who practices Huna is a shaman who has the ability to create with consciousness and bring the world into being as he or she desires.
Serge King has articulated seven principles of Huna:
IKE (ee-kay) - The world is what you think it is. KALA - There are no limits.
MAKIA (mah-kee-ah) - Energy flows where attention goes.
MANAWA (man-ah-wah) - Now is the moment of power.
ALOHA - To love is to be happy with (someone or something).
MANA - All power comes from within.
PONO - Effectiveness is the measure of truth.
Dr. Rima Morrell has stated that one who truly practices Huna, has the ability to influence consciousness (2005). The consciousness is not restricted to human consciousness, but may include that of animals, rocks, everything in the world around us both seen and unseen, therefore can include gods and goddess (akua) and the spirits of the departed ('aumakua) who often appear in the form of animals. Thus some Huna proponents claim that someone who practices Huna is a shaman who has the ability to create with consciousness and bring the world into being as he or she desires.
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